A STORY I LIKE TO TELL Thanks for following that link. I just have a story about my first real experience with the Beatles that I thought was interesting but for you it might be one of those "guess-you-had-to-be-there" sort of things. You came this far, bear with me. When I was in high school, I much appreciated the fact that it was a very progressive school comparatively, on top of the fact it was a small town filled with farm community. This progression spawned a few assemblies in the auditorium for subjects regarding rape, weird theater, and Thespian productions. One of these was a college professor who decided to give a high school age group of people a very educated lecture on "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll". One
section of the lecture included suggestive songs lyrics, which were also
highlighted on a projection screen. One such example was the Beatles song
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". He lost any effectiveness he might
or might not have had when he played the first words and the auditorium started
cheering...I have to admit, it is a good song. But
the really funny part was how he chose to present this. He had these lyrics
on the projection screen, highlighted words included: Follow
her down to a bridge by a fountain Where
rocking horse people
eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers That grow so incredibly high And of course to increase the
illustration's suggestive lyric effectiveness, the words "incredibly
high" were turned up in volume, well, incredibly high. He lost his
effectiveness on me. I hadn't even done drugs at the time and I saw that
presentation as completely self-indulgent and petty. Perhaps it was because
of this I gained a higher appreciation for this song. |