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You know all those weird things about a person you always forget to ask until they're already about four blocks away and you're about to go to bed? This is an attempt to alleviate that problem, plus the possibility of awkwardness we have to face enough already, for some on a daily basis.


This page will be like a journal of sorts, using a model book that I had filled out before and ended up burning to release negativity into the air where it could spread out and dissipate. The book I am using is called "All About Me". I decided the negativity surrounding its former twin had effectively spread to its ineffectiveness, let alone three thousand miles away from where I am now.


I'm not going to say all of it will be interesting, but the book is a good journal and it covers many minute details of a person's personality and life, especially how the person feels about it. "One man's meat is another man's poison", so I open the Tupperware lid that contains my mind knowing full well different people will find different things interesting. I revel in our uniqueness as human beings so I'm covering a lot.


For example:



1.   Personal

2.   Favorites

3.   Material Things

4.   Morals

5.   God and the World

6.   Opinions

7.   Family

8.   Friends

9.   Ego

10.                 What I Like

11.                 What I Dislike

12.                 Top Three(s)

13.                 Wishes and Dreams

14.                 Emotions

15.                 Memories

16.                 Choices

17.                 Fears

18.                 Social

19.                 Sexuality

20.                 If

21.                 Here and Now




Happy hunting for info you might want to know about me. If there's anything on here that leads to more questions, on the index page is my contact information. Feel free to get in touch. Obviously I'm making myself an open book to you.



Back to the laughing face





* "All About Me" was copyrighted in 1998, put together by a man named Philip Keel and distributed by Broadway Books in New York. Thanks to all of them and Martin for allowing me in his personal space in order to write this page.