Something I did that would surprise even closest friends:


            Crystal meth



I think that ______ should be:


            Marrying age:


                        Never. No, really.


Age to have children:


When the realization that the world doesn't revolve around them (the future mother and/or father) wanes

Age to have sex:


                        After they have learned the consequences in full detail


Age I had sex:





My most recent lie:


            "No problem."



When I'm late for an appt. and it's my fault:


            I tell the truth



A lie I tell myself:


            That I'm not all that out of the ordinary



Something I've stolen that wasn't worth the risk:


            A pack of gum. I got caught and I never stole again



One person I have killed in my thoughts:


            One of my exes, who shall remain nameless



One person I would kill if protected by law:


            No one



One thing in this world I am addicted to:




            Drugs I have tried in the past:


Paxil, Pot, Nicotine, Caffeine, Ecstacy, Crystal Meth, Zoloft, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals (for practical reasons only)


            A drug I would never try:




            A drug I would never try again:





Do I believe hitting a child is an appropriate form of discipline?


Definitely not. A child's brain is at its most open and formative for a reason, and it's not to be knocked around by someone who’s much bigger than them.





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